Music on a Monday

Throughout the years I have cherished so many songs that have helped me through rough times and ones that have made happier times even better. Music is so fascinating in that it is within every culture and speaks to people regardless of any normally segregating background. I love that all music is open for both interpretation and appreciation dependent upon the listener. What a profound form of art, right?

I don’t know if you have ever seen Banksy’s Exit Through The Gift Shop (if you haven’t, it’s a must see!) but a big take away is the fact that traditional high art is not highly accessible. Not everyone can go to a museum to see a grand work of art painted by a great-and art is such a huge part of who we are. I’d argue its at the very center of our being to create, attempt to understand the world and crave to be understood by others. Image


One of the bewitching qualities of music in general is that people will more often than not have access to music of some sort. If not from technological devices, live music, the very essence of music, is available to most everyone. I mean, c’mon, we can make music with our voices!

There have been so many varied kinds of music I have appreciated so far in my life. I expect many more to come along and bring me to a state of sorrow or bliss. Thinking back to different songs that have meant so much to me, they are often very sad. Usually haunting. Even on happy days these kinds of songs and lyrics and musical qualities speak to me most. The human condition knows so much sorrow and pain, and to be the spectator to a person(s) who allow themselves to be so vulnerable and share their story is utterly primal and courageous on their part. And, for me, catharsis. Aristotle knew what he was talking about! Art is a great way to purge emotions.

Zenfulness, to me, is very much the allowance of the self to simply be. To be aware of every emotion and truly experience it, often times with the help of artistic expression.


Here are four songs that for whatever reason speak to me right now:

The National- About Today

If you haven’t seen The Warrior, rent it. It’s such a great movie. Every single time I view it, I cry. It’s poetic and speaks in volumes (to me) about the familial relationship, forgiveness, and love. I love that it’s about fighting because it seems like often times we need to break ourselves, emotionally and sometimes physically, to build new from the pieces.  This song is in the very last scene of the movie.

The Offspring- Gone Away

This song was a radio hit in the 90s. But it came up in conversation recently because of the meaning of the song. I never knew it was based on a true story of the lead singer, Dexter Holland’s, longtime girlfriend and her early death. When you read the lyrics and know the back story it is pretty gut wrenching.

James Vincent McMorrow- Higher Love

This is a cover of Steve Winwood’s song. I remember my parents listening to this song when I was a kid but I prefer JVM’s version. It’s just one of those songs. Raw, beautiful, and open for whatever meaning you decipher. To me, it’s a love ballad and set to the singer’s soft but demanding voice makes for a deeply emotional song.

Ten Years After- I’d Love To Change The World

This song reminds me of my dad. He plays it on the guitar often and because I’m states away makes me feel closer to him when I listen to it. Besides that, its such a coming-of-age song. Not only pertaining to personal age but the time that we live in. There’s so much wrong in this world and although any small step we make for ourselves will in effect change the world.. sometimes its okay to bask in the uncertainty of the future. This song is great for when you just need to feel lost for a while. [Side note: There is a seemingly homophobic line in the beginning that Alvin Lee wrote that has been debated – he said the song was in protest to the Vietnam war and it’s been suggested that during that time the terms he uses were socially accepted ones. Overall, not about hate at all. In fact, quite the opposite.

Do any songs in particular help bring you to experience a different state of mind? Do you allow yourself to feel catharsis? Do you think it’s important?

